January 2021 Update

North Bethesda Village is a grass-roots, volunteer-led organization that aims to connect and support community members in the 20852 zip code, especially those ages 55 and over. NBV helps neighbors come together to provide mutual support and assistance and to foster social connections through planned, shared activities.

North Bethesda Village was launched in early 2019 by a small group of community members. In 2020, we officially incorporated as a 501(c)(3) organization, completed our bylaws, formed a Board of Directors, and established our website.  We also created a distribution list of nearly 250 neighbors, through which we share information about community resources and updates on a variety of local programming.

Throughout 2020 and into 2021, despite all the many challenges posed by the Covid-19 quarantine, North Bethesda Village is providing well-attended online programs in conjunction with Smithsonian and National Gallery experts, the Levine Music, local chapters of AARP and the Alzheimer’s Association, and other partners. With the outstanding support of the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Aging and Disability Services, we are joining with other nearby Senior Villages to craft new approaches to the challenges of aging in our increasingly diverse community.  

Our Board Members are your neighbors:

  • Jean Hochron, President (Old Farm)

  • Donna Phillips Mason, Vice-President (Old Georgetown Village Condominiums)

  • Caroline Levenson, Treasurer (Luxmanor)

  • Carol Preston, Secretary (Old Georgetown Village Condominiums)

  • Gail Nachman, At-large (The Wisconsin)

Looking forward to 2021, North Bethesda Village will continue to offer creative program offerings, bring together affinity groups of individuals with common interests, and work to expand and diversify our roster of participants. Visit our website at www.northbethesdavillage.org for event updates and other details.

North Bethesda Village is going strong and we’d love for you to join us!

JOIN OUR DISTRIBUTION LIST for news about upcoming events sponsored by North Bethesda Village and other organizations throughout the DC Metro area.

JOIN US FOR EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL EVENTS including Zoom gatherings on arts and culture as well as health and wellness topics.  We are also developing affinity groups for single women, art aficionados, gamers, and others with similar interests.

JOIN US AS A VOLUNTEER and pitch in for a single task or sign on to help manage one of our on-going projects.  Bring us your ideas and your energy!


April 2020 Update